Proud of its centralized location, Greenfield is known as the “Heart of the Salinas Valley.” In 1905, an ambitious irrigation system was designed to draw water from the Arroyo Seco River rather than the centrally located Salinas River. This gave Greenfield its unique South County position. Today, Greenfield is the youngest of the settled areas in South County.
Current housing and business developments and a redevelopment agency are making Greenfield one of the fastest growing communities in California. A point of community pride, the 7,152-square-foot Greenfield Library features a large community meeting room, children’s room, a study room, a homework center, and a media room.
A number of recreational sites are located in close proximity to Greenfield. The scenic Arroyo Seco Recreation Area to the west provides access to Carmel Valley and Oak Park, to the east, offers residents the use of picnic tables, tennis courts, and a swimming pool. Pinnacles National Monument borders the nearby town of Soledad and San Lorenzo Park, the San Antonio Mission, and Lakes San Antonio and Nacimiento lay to the south. Other popular destinations are Memorial Hall, Maggini Park, Jekel Vineyard, and Scheid Vineyards in King City.
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